eliminating problems - before they surface

The handle “E-First” was originally coined in 2002 by Rick Roseman, with a group of engineers, over dinner following a challenging day on a complex BBJ completion. In literal terms, it meant “engineering first”, suggesting that concept level design be preceded or simultaneously integrated with engineering interface at the very outset of a project – thus ensuring a smoother ride for the customer, the designer and the completion center. It was, at the time, pretty revolutionary thinking given the broad differences between designers and engineers. But the philosophy is sound and if practiced properly, streamlines the entire process with remarkable effectiveness.
In recent years the E-First philosophy has become the E-First protocol and is religiously employed on every project we do. It is an integral part of the RRAD doctrine and is the great leveler on large VVIP and head of state projects. In parallel, the philosophy has expanded to include, not only engineering, but certification, budget and design brief. These four critical project drivers are all brought together and 'moved' to the very front of all such project, preceding formal design concepts and presentation to the customer.
This seemingly simple shift in process yields huge benefits to our customers and can literally shave months off of a contracted completion – not to mention significant monetary savings. The efficiencies born out of the E-First model are enormous for one paramount reason: we have mandated to share our design intents and in fact, the customer brief with the three major external forces that will govern the build (engineering, ODA, and key vendors), ahead of design development. This immediately brings together all primary disciplines and therefore addresses all major concerns and feasibility issues; so, when our design concept is finally presented to the customer, it is done so with the confidence that what is being proposed can actually be built, will meet budget, can be certified as airworthy and conform to contracted schedules.
This practice represents a long-needed reform in the historical way that most projects have and continue to be conducted. It truly is a “win-win” for everyone concerned – especially our owners who otherwise can be unsuspecting parties caught in the middle of antiquated processes that for decades have been the norm. The E-First philosophy had a humble beginning but today it has re-set our bar. And we look to a day when this strategy will be the norm for how all completions are conducted.
To Our Customers
We're keenly aware of the immense assets you have committed to these projects and how the expenses can get out of hand, how long you must wait for the project to come to fruition. The E-First protocol is committed to changing runaway costs and schedules, ensuring that your project is put on a clear and sound footing from the very day we're engaged.
Is there such a thing as a completely smooth ride in VVIP / head of state completion projects? In a word, “No”. The projects are large, extremely complex and entirely custom, so they're never going to go down without a hiccup here and there. It's simply the nature of the beast. But E-First absolutely will erase many of the primary historical stumbling blocks commonly associated with such projects. How much so? Enough so that hat you won't have to worry about your completion running beyond its contracted completion date or falling victim to process nightmares. We've smoothed out the wrinkles; the kind of smoothing that will save you money, time and completely unnecessary aggravation.
We just changed the game and you're the direct beneficiary!
- Richard W. Roseman